It was a rather interesting decision, to say the least since Bazlan was only at the helm for barely five months. Prior to his appointment after the previous Group CEO, Shazalli Ramly left the company in early June, he spent the majority of his time at TM as its Chief Financial Officer.
His position has now been taken over by Imri Mokhtar (shown above) who is also another veteran at the company and its current Chief Operating Officer. While we are not sure when Imri was made as the company’s COO since it was never publicly announced by TM (as far as we can recall) but nevertheless, he was previously the Executive Vice President of the unifi division which covers the company’s consumer and SME business. Given the fact that TM has changed its main leader for the third time for the past one year, it is hard not to wonder what is going on at the nation’s biggest telecommunication company. Rest assured, we are definitely eager to see what Imri will bring to the table especially given the challenging situation that TM is facing right now including the negative sentiments that many Streamyx customers have towards the company regarding its pricing that is being deemed as steep for a DSL service in 2018.